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Ham Radio Deluxe® Rig Control; Ham Radio Control Software with Remote

Control for Ham Radios by Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood, Elecraft, FlexRadio

The heart of Ham Radio Deluxe® (HRD), Rig Control provides a screen you can customize to control your amateur transceiver using its built-in computer aided control interface.

Rig Control allows you to organize buttons, sliders, and drop-downs to toggle radio options, select modes and filter settings, and control various level inputs via your computer screen.

Rig Control brings out features buried in a modern rig’s menus, making it easy for you to optimize your rig with a few clicks of the mouse.

Rig Control takes advantage of computer control features built in by your radio’s manufacturer. Using your interface cable,

While other programs like OmniRig Cat Control support basic commands, Rig Control takes control of your radio to make the most of its features. We seek to support all on-air programmable commands in a single interface.

It also provides the interface for the other modules of Ham Radio Deluxe® to communicate with your radio: bring mode and frequency information straight into your logbook, key your radio while using exciting digital modes, and automatically adjust for Doppler shift while “working the birds.”

  • Supports most CAT interfaces for capable radios by Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood, Elecraft, FlexRadio, and more...
  • Allows total station control
  • BandScope
  • Favorites provide memories for all radios
  • Eltima Virtual Serial Port Driver (VSPD) interface support

Ham Radio Deluxe Rig Control for Ham Radios

Ham Radio Deluxe® Rig Control

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